среда, 23 апреля 2014 г.

Marketing Mix

Here is a short summary of marketing mix of our project:
Product: Club Mate, soft drink, that contains caffeine and Mate extract
Price: 60 rubles for a 0.33l bottle, 90 rubles for 0.5l bottle, and 100 rubles is the minimum suggested
retail price in bars.
Place: low class and high supermarkets, HoReCa sector, vending machines.
Promotion: different promotion instruments to create maximum brand awareness of a new
product on the market.

3 комментария:

  1. Hey! Good work so far :)

    Have you discussed the possibility of running a taste session? The drink as a different taste than what most of us are used to so it might be useful to check if people like the taste or not. Or are you rather planning to focus on the "coolness" and the "Europeanness" of the product and that way try to overcome the strange/unusual taste?


  2. Hey guys! Good start for your marketing project)
    Here are some points that you haven't marked in your initial project plan and it would be nice to include them in your analysis:

    - What is the target audience? You should segment somehow the market and explain why you target the chosen groups?
    - It makes sense to build the portrait of ideal customer whom you would like to address and who, you think, will buy your product.


  3. What promotion channels you will use to create maximum brand awareness?

    I like Vibeke's idea to test the drink. You can propably hold a focus group and invite some young people that you are atucally targeting to know whether they like it.

