среда, 23 апреля 2014 г.

Product Attractiveness

1. Healthy image
As it was said above, the product has a very healthy image due to its low content of calories
and natural origin of the stimulation component – mate tea. We offer a product that is based
only on natural ingredients.
2. Trendiness among European youth
Nowadays the IT community is not as closed as it used to be even a couple of years ago – it
tends to spread its values and trends to other related groups of young people, e.g. creative
youngsters, freelancers, marketers, designers, etc.
3. Non-alcoholic nature
Club mate is a drink that can not only gather people with similar interests, but also to make
them communicate. Usually this function relies on alcohol, but our product fulfills the same
task without bringing any harm to the consumer.
4. Sleep-suppression
The pace of our live increases every day, thus there is an obviously strong need in treatments
that can recharge oneself in a short period of time. Our product has a sleep-preventing effect
due to caffeine in it content. It helps even better than coffee, as some of our customers noticed.
And what is more, Club Mate doesn’t leave usual “coffee stains” on teeth, while containing the
same amount of energizing ingredient.

1. Increasing health concerns
Health and wellness remains a vital issue of concern for a lot of people as the number of chronic
diseases continues to rise throughout the world. As health concerns rise, consumers desire functional
foods that impart health benefits specific to their needs. Numerous aspects must be considered
when developing a functional food product, which can solve not only nutritive problem
but also cover a little more.4 Club Mate is a suitable product for such market desire as long as
considered to be a refreshing drink, an energizing products and a low-calorie beverage.
2. Knowledgeable & europeanized young population
It is widely well known that Saint-Petersburg is the most European city in Russia – it is an early
adopter of all fashionable and trendy tendencies from western countries, especially Europeans.
The number of universities in the city is also very high, which means that the young generations
of Saint-Petersburg inhabitants are well educated, some of them know foreign languages
and quite a lot of them, in comparison with some other regions, travel abroad. Thus the youth
of Saint-Petersburg is quite aware of what is in trend in Europe.

2 комментария:

  1. Hi girls!

    How are you going to deliver the product attractiveness to Russian customer? What tools/ activities do you want to use to persuade young Russians into buying club mate?


  2. Hey girls,

    you are saying that your product is going to make people communicate without alcohol. but why is that? what is the special feature that would make them communicate? you are also saying that this product will make people gather and party and also you are saying that is suitable for students (i suppose you mean during exam period) due to its power to make you awake...so what is actually the clear positioning of club mate? is it new generation party drink or "working drink" ? or both?
