среда, 23 апреля 2014 г.

Product: Club Mate

Country: Russia

City: Saint-Petersburg

Group members:
Gabibova Madina
Kolokolova Svetlana
Mamedova Zhalya
Zaytseva Ekaterina

Idea description:

Club-Mate is a caffeinated carbonated mate-extract beverage made by the Loscher Brewery
(Brauerei Loscher) near Münchsteinach, Germany, which originated in 1924. Club-Mate has a
relatively high caffeine content (20 mg per 100 ml), low sugar content (50 g/kg), and low calories
(20 per 100 ml of beverage), compared to other beverages such as cola and other energy
• Water
• Inverted sugar syrup
• Sugar
• Mate tea extract
• Citric acid
• Caffeine
• Natural flavors
• Caramel color
• Carbonic acid
Club-Mate is available in 0.33 and 0.5 liter bottles.
The name comes from its main component: Yerba mate, a plant growing in subtropical South
America, whose leaves are used to brew a stimulating beverage simply called mate. The extract
contains high levels of caffeine and has been drunk by the population of countries like Argentina,
Bolivia, Brazil & Uruguay for centuries. In the 20th century it made its way to Europe and
eventually also to Germany.
In 1924 a small beverage company in the city of Dietenhofen (Northern Bavaria) started to produce
a drink called ‘Sekt-Bronte’, which is basically still the same drink we know nowadays as
Club Mate. The production was only for the local market though and barely made it further
than a 10km radius around Dietenhofen.
Since there never was an advertisement campaign to promote Club Mate it would have most
likely never become big here if it wasn’t for Germany’s computer geeks. In the 2000s it became
more and more popular among the German hacker scene.

Agenda of work:
1. Product
2. Product attractiveness
3. The 4P
4. Further expansion
5. Entry mode

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