вторник, 27 мая 2014 г.

Action Plan

Consumer Profile
Here is our expected consumer profile:
  • Young people and adults from 16 to 35;
  • Middle social class;
  • Low and average level of the income;
  • Higher incomplete education or freelance job;
  • Strong living position and clear system of values;
  • Active way of life and wide range of social interactions.
    According to the latest statistics, there are about 1150 thousands of young people from 16 to 34 in Saint-Petersburg. This figure estimates our target market as a quite attractive one.
    This table contains attributes of a potential customer that our beverage relates to or a desire of a potential customer that Club Mate can fulfill:

Active customers
Beverage characteristics
Students and computer geeks
Those who care about health and about the environment
Eco-friendly and healthy
All-night partiers
People controlling their metabolism
Low level of sugar
People preferring outdoor activities

Reasons for Success
To sum up, we would like to explain why we think Club Mate is going to be successful in Saint- Petersburg first, and then probably in Russia on the whole.

1. Despite fast-paced lifestyle, health is becoming an issue;
People simply tend to think more and more about their health and check twice what they put into their mouths every day.

2. Sleep-deprived lifestyle of the youth;
Youngsters prefer anything else than sleep to spend their time on. I was always like that. The younger the person, the more is the thirst for unknown, to discover which you simply need time. And while you also study and work, and have friends and hobbies – who are talking about “sleeping” time?

3. Women concerned with calories intake;
There is almost nothing to add or explain in this statement. If you want to attract women – tell them it has less calories.

4. Anti-alcohol laws forcing to seek alternatives;
In Saint-Petersburg it is forbidden to buy alcohol in any kind of shops after 10 p.m. If a person didn’t succeed to buy it on lime, he or she would probably go to a bar or try to find an alternative – Club Mate is the very best alternative.

5. Western tendencies are eagerly adopted by youngsters;
From the soviet period of our country’s history people gather the understanding that if the thing comes from Western Europe – it is probably the best you can find here. That is one of the reasons youth follows European trends showing off strong willing to do so.

6. Culturally-knowledgeable local customers likely to appreciate the beverage’s heritage;
Russian people tend to assume, that products that have some historical background or have a long history of existence, have a better quality than newer ones. In this case Club Mate can win this point, because it has almost 90 years of history in Germany and around the world.

7. Trust in German products’ quality;
The high quality of German products and services is known by Russian customers very well. Even though there were different époques in the relationships of these two countries, it is easy to meet a common point of view of an average Russian consumer – in a certain and relatively high probability that between two almost similar products the German one would be chosen.

8. Popularity of mate tea and tea in general.
Russia is a very well-known “tea” country. The consumption of this drink is estimated as 1.2 kilogram of tea per person a year. People drink more tea only in UK and Australia. The total value of the market is considered to be about 1.5 billion dollar a year. It is also not a secret that, taking this “tea love” into consideration, Russian like tea-based soft drinks, cosmetics and what not. 

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