вторник, 27 мая 2014 г.

Competitors' Analysis

Competitors' comparison

Beverage's characteristics
Non-alcoholic Beer
Clausthaler, Efes
Energy Drinks
Red Bull, Burn
Ice Tea
Lipton, Ice Tea
Bottled Water
Bon Aqua, Evian
Carbonated Drinks
Coca-Cola, Pepsi
Juices and nectars in glass bottles
Tropicana, Ya

Characteristics comparison

Club Mate
Health issues
Low sugar content (50 g/kg) Low calories (20 per 100 ml)
Oral health, diabetes type 2 Weight gain

Stimulation effect
Relatively high caffeine content
Low caffeine content
Environmental issues
Glass bottle
Plastic package

Price comparison

Clausthaler, Efes
100 – 130 RUR
Red Bull, Burn
70 RUR
Lipton, Ice tea
40 RUR
Bon Aqua, Evian
35 RUR
Coca-Cola, Pepsi
35 RUR
Tropicana, Ya
40 RUR

For Club-Mate drink there are no direct competitors but it has a rather large number of indirect competitors. Their major strengths are lower price and bigger market share, as it can be seen from comparison tables, while major weaknesses are their harmful and unhealthy ingredients or ability to satisfy only one customer need. Thus, Club-mate has got obvious competitive ad- vantage – this is the only beverage on the market that gains all the characteristics important for the customer. It perfectly satisfies thirst, renders invigorating effect, stimulates, it is also suitable for night activity and doesn't damage health. 

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