вторник, 27 мая 2014 г.

"Used" SWOT


How to use strength?
Healthy image
  Focus on the healthy characteristics of the beverage
   Emphasis the need of a healthy lifestyle during the marketing 
   Reach customer’s confidence in the fact that the drink is really health
Non-alcoholic nature
Simultaneously emphasize the stimulating effect and the fact that it is non-alcoholic beverage
Expand advertising campaigns using the image of students
Original package
Steady upgrades and monitor trends

How to stop each weakness?
Relatively high price comparing to other beverages
   Focus on the quality of the brand
   Use buyer stereotype "Cheap means bad"
   With the help of marketing activities demonstrate to the buy- ers all benefits they will receive
Limited product base
   Focus on the uniqueness of the brand
   Highlight German quality
   Use correct placement and quantitative facings on store shelves
Low brand-recognition
   Achieve consumers conducting active marketing campaigns
   Use a strong presence at universities and clubs
   Sales promotion
How to exploit each opportunity?
Increasing health concerns and popularity of mate tea and tea in general
Expandability in the market
Highlight German origins of the beverage
Alcohol-restricting laws
   Simultaneously emphasize the stimulating effect and the fact that it is non-alcoholic beverage
   Support and participate in the anti-alcohol campaign
Development of Night- life in Saint Petersburg
   Develop relationships with partners (clubs, bars, 24\7 shops)
   Creating recipes for the alcohol cocktails and promote in key places: clubs, festivals, concert halls etc
Trust in German products’ quality
Using German Product positioning as a product of high quality

How to defend against or eliminate each threat?
High distribution costs
Improve efficiency of production in response to changing re- tailing and distribution patterns
Changing attitudes: coffee/juice/alcohol drinks are more preferable
   Promoting ingredients (mate as healthy and sophisticated drink)
   Creating recipes for the alcohol cocktails and promote in key places: clubs, festivals, concert halls etc
Ageing population

   Focusing to the new markets: elderly people, young mothers, pregnant women etc
   Develop R&D
Amount of competitors will increase
Focus on patented traditional South American recipe, key original ingredient - mate tea
Highlight German quality

1 комментарий:

  1. I like the idea of the product, but I was just thinking about positioning it as a healthy product, because people who live healthy don't drink soft drinks and those kind of things.
    How is it in other countries, do they emphasize healthy characteristics? Is it successful?
